Saturday, August 7, 2010

To begin, commence, embark upon; take the plunge!

For starters, I have this "thing" about a blinking cursor. Something about the annoyingly blank background and the expectantly flashing line atop it makes me want to do anything and everything--from writing down my own thoughts to copying out the dictionary--in order to make the page less empty and the text input indicator seem less impatient. 

To that end, I shall begin my foray into the blogosphere by explaining my chosen title through employing decidedly English major-esque allusions and definitions as well as a touch of poetic originality, for, in the words of J. M. Barrie (a la Johnny Depp) "all great writers begin with a good leather binding and a respectable title." However, considering the technological advancements of our modern age and the cost of a good leather binding on a recent college graduate's budget, we shall skip right along to the bit about a respectable title. 

The Oxford-American Dictionary defines a "journey" as follows:
"an act of traveling from one place to another; to travel somewhere" with synonyms including "trip, expedition, excursion, tour, trek, voyagejunket, cruise, ride, drive, jaunt; crossing, passage, flight; travelwandering, globe-trotting; odyssey, pilgrimage; peregrination, sail, fly, rove, roam; to make one's way"

While there is a sizable difference between, say, a jaunt to campus and a pilgrimage to Powell's, (the latter of which, alas, remains on the ever-lengthening "Life To-Do List") I have nevertheless decided to embrace the long and the short, the business and the pleasure, the rush and the leisure that is to be the overall journey of this, my post-grad life. In a manner of speaking, it is my hope that this blog become a kind of chronicle of the literal and figurative distance traveled and soon to be traveled. 

However, I also intend to add a touch of humor and literary wit to this journey of mine. Hence the Jabberwocky. Most of you will no doubt have vague or not so vague memories of reading a poem by the same name about a creature of the same name in the pages of Lewis Carroll's Through The Looking Glass. As a consequence of Carroll's inventive tale the word "Jabberwocky" has come to be, by the author's own admission, universally identified with "invented or meaningless language; nonsense." It is in a kind of homage to Carroll's creative genius then, that I borrow the notion of nonsense as my own.

While I have no delusions about being or becoming a truly "great writer," for now at least, I hope to write faithfully, creatively, humorously, and in a manner which brings both knowledge and amusement to you, dear reader. You are to be witness to this, my nonsensical journey. Or, as I like to refer to it---Life.


  1. Looking forward to following your progress with this. I once heard an interview with an author who liked to use a typewriter rather than a word-processor because she doesn't like the cursor
    to "jump-start" her creativity.

  2. So glad you finally started the blog. I cannot wait to follow your adventures in Switzerland and beyond!
