Friday, November 5, 2010

Remember, Remember

...the fifth of November.

*That's Guy Fawkes Day (a.k.a. Bonfire Night) for those of you who missed out on nursery rhyme education.

And man oh man, do I wish I was in a pub in London right about now!  Cause really, what's not to love about burning a historical traitor in effigy while marching all over London and singing God Save the Queen at the top of your voice while the grog flows in the streets?

But I guess I'll just have to settle for an evening spent around a backyard campfire with children for company instead of party-goers, stars instead of airborne explosives, Raclette instead of a Cornish pasty, the Sanborn songbook instead of God Save the Queen, and a little Schnapps instead of a pint of bitter.

I think I'll take it.


  1. As much as I would love to be in England some Nov. 5, even more do I wish I could be eating Raclette right now. Hmmmm. I miss it.

    Thanks for continuing to share your stories! I so enjoy reading about your adventures, your day-to-day, and your reminiscing.

  2. I wish we both could have been there! I bet it was amazing and we would have had so much fun contributing to mayhem.
    also, I fully endorse and am 100% behind your online book-club idea. I am in.
